Saturday 16 April 2016

Ransomware Cyber Hack Can Infect Your Computer Without Even Clicking on Infected Link

Avoiding to click on infected links is all we can do to be safe online, however what if you don’t click on any link, still your computer gets infected. A strange virus has emerged which is basically a ransomware and it can take control over your computer without even clicking on infected link. Ransomware virus usually took place when the  user clicked on infected link that came via email.

Ransomware Cyber Hack Can Infect Your Computer Without Even Clicking on Infected Link

Earlier, Security carelessness was the prime reason when ransomware took control of the victim’s computer, however this unusual ransomware has the ability to take control of your computer without any human interaction according to a new report by Cisco Systems Inc.
Ransomware infection normally takes place with human error but this new ransomware doesn’t even need human interaction to take over your computer according to security researchers. Security researchers from Cisco Systems first noticed the unusual strain of virus-like hacker software that exploits computer server vulnerabilities. The researchers said that hackers use such software to target large-scale networks and hold data hostage in exchange for huge ransom.
Cisco Systems researchers note that the the strain– known as Samas or Samsam-was first noticed in the MedStar Health Hospital chain hacking  last month. Most ransomware still requires a human to click a link or open an infected email attachment but Cisco’s report warned that the age of self-propagating ransomware is right around the corner.
Security Researchers said that hackers use such softwares to target large-scale networks and hold data hostage in exchange for whopping payments. Last month, this strain called as Samas or samsam hit the leading hospital chain, MedStar Health Inc.
It has been witnessed that particularly in such attacks, hackers target backup files and records by encrypting them to prevent the victim from accessing them. Victim can regain the access to the hostage files by paying hefty amount normally $10,000 – $15,000 for full network or $100 – $1000 or more for a single computer. If the victim is having essential data in computers so he/she has only one option, i.e is to pay huge ransom.
Most ransomware still needs a human click or open infected email attachment however Cisco’s report warned that the age of self propagating ransomware is right around the corner.
Last year, there were about 2500 reports of ransomware hackings to the FBI totalling a loss of more than $24 Million.

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